Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday - Family Night

Family Night! Two rehearsal blocks, then a dress rehearsal performance for family, friends, boosters and alumni. Several hundred people were in the stands this evening. Alumni attending included former marching members representing every decade since the corps' founding in 1963, including Baldwin Wong, a charter member!
Terrific crowd response tonight, and the members were grateful for the opportunity to get the show in front of a live audience. Certainly, a number of things to work on, and the staff will be using tonight's performance as a gauge to determine rehearsal priorities for the next couple of days. However, the terrific support from everyone in attendance was gratifying.

After the performance. everyone gathered in the cafeteria for a dessert pot luck. There was plenty of food for everyone in attendance. The evening concluded with Mandarins History Night as hosted by Mandarins alumni, and brass arranger Dan Fong. Scott Jow, the corps webmaster and videographer prepared a dvd which included interviews with past members and clips of previous Mandarins shows.

Two rehearsal blocks on Friday, then eat, shower, clean up and load the buses. Plenty of water for everyone since temperatures have been rising this week. While the artificial turf of the stadium has been a boon for us, it gets very hot on the field. Hope to be posting from Southern California this weekend, wifi connection permitting.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful time we had watching the Mandarins. Seeing our children was a wonderful experience. They were great. Thanks to everyone who takes care of ours while they are away from home. Kudos to everyone Terrific!
